On the Come Up with Kimberly Sanchez

The Heart of a Dream Chaser

September 05, 2023 Kimberly Sanchez Season 1 Episode 10

What does it really take to chase your dreams in the glitz and glamour of LA? Join us as we navigate this thrilling journey with our guest, LA-based actor Jerbarrie, who gives a ringside view of his acting journey, the transition from Texas to LA, and his tryst with the challenges of the entertainment industry.

From rubbing shoulders at the MTV Movie Awards to taking critical tips from mentors. His decision to move to LA at 18, and his time at the New York Film Academy provide an inspiring look into the commitment and daring it takes to follow one's passion.

If you aim to make your mark in LA someday, Jerbarrie's advice on honing your craft, remaining teachable, and learning from others is something you can't afford to miss!

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Miguel Flood (@jerbarrie) • Instagram photos and videos

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Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up y'all? Welcome to my podcast. I'm your host, kimberly, telling you why I'm busy and maybe talk about all things Drizzy, so sit back and grab a plate into Kimbo Slice of Life. Hey, what is up y'all guys? Welcome back to Kimbo Slice of Life. I got Miguel or Jabari.

Speaker 2:

Either one's cool, either one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we'll call him Jabari Sounds cooler. Jabari is an actor based out of LA. Tell us, when did you start acting?

Speaker 2:

I've been involved in acting since it's like longest I can remember, since I was like really, really little. But I guess I want to say like I took it more serious starting around middle school and got a little buzz during that and then high school Got a little more buzz and then, right after I graduated high school, moved to LA.

Speaker 1:

So you're from here. Yeah, yeah, and then you moved to LA when you were 18?.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 18.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

No, it's very crazy. I think about it.

Speaker 1:

What does the experience of acting in LA differ from acting in Texas, so to speak?

Speaker 2:

since we're here, yeah, it's more fast paced, it's more intense, it's more saturated out there.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot of opportunities too. There's a lot of people that want to do what you do in that one area.

Speaker 2:

So it's like a hub for everybody who wants to do that, so the competition is higher. So if you're out there just kind of halfway, doing it good luck Charlie.

Speaker 1:

Why? Why do you say that?

Speaker 2:

Because there's like a thousand other people that want to do it too, so there could be somebody who's applying themselves in a different way that you're not, and if you only practice when you feel like you can only apply yourself in situational moments, and there's somebody out there that's every day getting into it. They're reading a script every day or they're studying films every day. They're sending out auditions every day, I was probably not going to be in your favor.

Speaker 1:

They're going to get the part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much, but it's bigger than just getting a part, at least for me. I don't even focus more so on getting the part. I focus on the process of everything. How disciplined can I be to get up every day and do my voice lessons in the morning? How disciplined can I be to get up? And after voice lessons you know work out. Do my face routine because you got to take care of your physical appearance you know camera.

Speaker 1:

Can I read these scripts?

Speaker 2:

Can I articulate?

Speaker 1:

what the story and plot is.

Speaker 2:

That's just me. I'm a little geek, I'm a little nerdy when it comes to the credit. So, you have like a whole routine. Absolutely yeah, I have a daily routine, not to say I'm like perfect with staying consistent, like some days I might slack. But yeah, daily routine. What is discipline that keeps me going though?

Speaker 1:

What unique opportunities have you encountered while pursuing acting?

Speaker 2:

So many. I feel like I've encountered more unique opportunities that have nothing to do with acting versus acting, but because of acting, so like acting led me to LA, but being able to experience like Oscar weekend, grammy weekend, bt weekend just those things meeting new people, connecting new people, having people impact me, me impact people, just stuff like that, just little personal, creative stuff that I've been able to like do along the way, like I've done like so much out there, but at the same time, nothing, you know.

Speaker 1:

So have you been to like any like movie premieres? I saw you had like a picture on your Instagram from like years ago. What is that? What was like from MTV?

Speaker 2:

MTV Awards.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I went that year. That's funny because I found out I was going to that when I was out here, which was so funny. It was just weird. How did that?

Speaker 1:

happen though.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I don't know I was. I got a notification on my phone. I took a call and after that I was just like oh wow. And I looked at my mom. I was in my mom's living room In my dry lived in LA at the time but I was here visiting family and I was in my mom's like I was in, like at the house, just another room Told her I was like mom, so I'm going to the MTV Awards, and she was like oh yeah cute.

Speaker 2:

I'm like yeah like I'm like yeah. And so I was like yeah, so let's shop. Like I want you to help me pick out what I'm gonna wear. And she's like okay. So we went and I shopped for half of the fit out here and then the other half out in LA with one of my boys shout out to him. That's friend is out there saying that's my brother he went to. And it's funny, cause I hit him and I was like bro, guess what he was like?

Speaker 1:

nah, no way. He was like me too, and I'm like you're lying.

Speaker 2:

I was like you're lying. So when I flew back in the LA and we met, we did a little more shopping and then one of my really really good friends I'll say his name, stevie Mackie One of my really good friends. He is a greatest singer in the country, but he helped style me for a certain piece too that you see in the picture. And then, yeah, it got there and it was a lot what?

Speaker 1:

was that experience like?

Speaker 2:

Honestly it was. I think just being there was everything I could have imagined I couldn't have wanted anything else out of that experience. I got to see everybody. I was just watching on TV. I had like right before I flew to LA I was watching. I think I wanna say stranger things. And then I get there and there's like I wanna say, finn Wolfhard, caleb McLaughlin I don't know if I don't know if they were all there, but I think Millie might have been there too seeing all them in that same environment, that same space, and I think it was Noah Centennial who he complimented my outfit.

Speaker 2:

It was just so funny and we did that whole like oh no, you're clean bro. No, you're clean bro, just sharing that good energy.

Speaker 1:

It was a vibe, it was cool, I had a good time. So you were there, you stayed there the whole time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So you guys would see like I think so.

Speaker 2:

That was like I don't know how long ago that was Couple years ago. Yeah, it was definitely couple years ago.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. So what event has been like your top tier favorite one?

Speaker 2:

I knew he was gonna ask me that Dang, that's a hard question Because I'm telling you I've had so many ones out there. That's just like top tier.

Speaker 1:

Because you know, like the movie premieres here don't compare. Nothing compares to LA. Like if you go to a movie premiere, someone sets it up, it's an independent film.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's cool you got the little red carpet, but it's not a LA movie premiere. It's not the same.

Speaker 2:

Right right.

Speaker 1:

Or you know MTV Music.

Speaker 2:

Awards or movie awards, it's not the same.

Speaker 1:

So that's like I don't know. I wouldn't say that's a dream for me, but I would love to attend.

Speaker 2:

Right, biggest, the biggest, I probably would say the Grammy after party. I honestly would say that I think-.

Speaker 1:

What year?

Speaker 2:

I think the same year I went to the MTV Awards, I think the same year. That was yeah because-.

Speaker 1:

You don't remember what year that was. It was like-.

Speaker 2:

I've done and had so many things happen since then. I'm telling you like it's all cloud in my mind.

Speaker 1:

I would have known the date and the time.

Speaker 2:

I can say I know that event because it in a sense changed my life. I feel like every little thing out there that's happened to me changed my life. But that changed my life Because I met a really really good friend, stevie Mackie, there. That was, I didn't even wanna go. And again my boy Javon, I didn't wanna go, like I was kinda I was a paranoid kid, you know, I was kinda like bro, I don't think we're gonna get in. I don't think we're gonna get in. We're not supposed to be there. I'm just this 18, 19 year old kid from Texas in LA trying to live my dream.

Speaker 1:

What do I look?

Speaker 2:

like and we. But we had the invite, so we showed up and the bouncer, you know he was so poking up. What can I do for you guys? He was a cool dude, though he wasn't like you know, and I just let Javon do the talking. I was just kinda there and you know, got us in.

Speaker 2:

Come on in, come on in. We went in and we got there like right before it really got jumping. And I seen we got in and there was like a little stage part. We got on stage and we were vibing. We were just just kicking it. I met a few people there, which was pretty dope and I didn't think it was gonna be what it was. And till it got like packed, it got crowded, like we got to vibing and it was invite only. So we got to vibing dancing, had like free drinks the whole night, like that was like a At the Grammy party right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like this was, I had a whole.

Speaker 2:

there was like a I don't even know what to call it like a tray, like a tray of just alcohol, like everything you could imagine.

Speaker 1:

You're like I've never seen this before.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like what is this?

Speaker 1:

Like what Cause you're making 21?

Speaker 2:

yet At all. I'm like you know, I don't think, no, I don't think I was, but it was just like crazy. And we just I've been dancing and I remember I complimented this. I couldn't see who the person was. And me I'm the type of person like if I see you wearing an outfit and it's dope, I'm like, hey, that's fire, I like that, that your fits. So I tapped them like hey, I was like I like you. And they turned around. I think it was Bobby Lutz. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people don't know who that is. You know TV personality actors. So I said that and turned around. I was like, oh wow, my aunt was just watching me on TV. I was at her house. That's weird. But anyways, like your face, I think you really really really nice dude. And then I see this like tall figure walking. Mind you that at this point I'm on stage like we're vibing, just chilling, dancing. It's tall guy walks in and I'm looking into the face and you can't, you can't not like know who this is. When you look at him and I'm like, oh, that's Scotty Pippin.

Speaker 2:

Scotty Pippin was there and there was a lot of people there. It was, it was a vibe, and I met Stevie for the first time. He was there with Jesse, who was another public figure and actor who I kind of respect, kind of admire, and Benny Medina was also there. I met Benny Medina that night and afterwards we left, you know, and I get into. I was supposed to go, like we're all supposed to go, hang out and chill, but some stuff happened not like anything bad is just like.

Speaker 2:

It was just like off night for it. So we're all going to link up another day. And then I get into my ride to go home and I'm thinking great night, can't ask for anything else in life, I could die peacefully. And I get in my ride and I'm chatting with this guy, nico, and another girl and she goes yeah, you're going to Diplo's party, right. And I was like Diplo, diplo, like Diplo, that's in my playlist, diplo, like that. I have like I don't know how many minutes of Diplo listen to Diplo. And she's like. She's like yeah, like you're going to Diplo's party, right.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like, oh, and I'm like stuttering, she's like here, just his address, pull up. And I was just like this can't be my life and like, right, when I thought I got good there, I was trying to contemplate if I wanted to go or not, because I had to be up on a TV show the next morning. So just those three things right there just happening in that one moment at one night, I was just like wow, so did you end up going.

Speaker 2:

I took the responsible route and went home because I was like I don't want to miss being on set, yeah, but honestly, if I could go back, I have no regrets. I don't believe in regrets, but if I could go back, it definitely been late to set. For sure, for sure, for sure. No way.

Speaker 1:

How does the environment of LA influence your approach to like acting?

Speaker 2:

It brings a different love for it, no different appreciation for it, and it's crazy, like I know you were saying, there's a difference between out here and out there. It's like when I come out here I appreciate even the little productions and the little just seeing people getting it off the ground with no like, not the same amount of resources or type of resources that they may have out there. So it just makes you realize, like if you really wanted or not to.

Speaker 1:

And I was like yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love this. I'm in love with it Like I'm obsessed.

Speaker 1:

What made you like? Like OK, I'm going to move to LA. Like straight out of high school.

Speaker 2:

I was an athlete most of my life. So I played ball but like I wasn't the best, like not saying I was like bad, like at all, I'm just saying I wasn't. Like it wasn't. To be honest, it wasn't like I was going to leave and go just ball out at a like top tier university and just my goal was to go to the NFL. That was what I wanted to do. I wanted to go to the league. I was telling my mom, I was like mom, like I'm gonna do this or not trying, like I'm going to the league. And you know, summer hits, you're 18, you graduated and it's like well, here's life, gotta do something.

Speaker 2:

Buddy, I didn't have any offers. Really. I had like one. One school had interested me which was like in Mississippi. It was a university, pretty decent university, but I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Like I was just kind of like in my room, like I don't want to say depressed, but I was I don't like to use that term lightly, but I was. I was kind of just going through it and I found this book and my whole time I was like ignoring, acting Like I feel like and this is me personally I feel like God had it right in my face, just like standing there, like what a sign. Like, and I'm just like, oh, I wish I knew what I was supposed to be doing, like, yeah, I wish I. And I'm just like ignoring it, and he's just like I'll wait, and everyone would tell me, like you're so good at this, like you're so good, like I didn't do my first theatrical play until like in high school, at least until senior year, but people had already knew about me. Knew of me because I had amazing instructors.

Speaker 2:

I had Heather Morrill and Goza and John Soul. Heather Morrill and John Soul are two major parts of the reason that I'm able to say that I'm an actor and I'm here today. So I have to give them credit and shout them out because, like, I love them too, like so much, like I I'm going to forever be in depth to them because they believed in me. John Soul was my middle school theater instructor and you know he put me in like this little play because I had took theater, Like I had had it for like my second semester, like they're for seventh grade, and you know everybody's like, oh, you need to get out of it, like it's going to be terrible.

Speaker 2:

You're going to hate it, you're going to have to write scripts and all this and I'm freaking out. I'm like I need to get out of it, like I'm binding to it. My mom's like well, that's what they're saying.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, what about?

Speaker 2:

what if you? Did try it. Like you know, I get in there and of course I first get in there. He appears to be like this mean person. I'm like it's not going to work, but I went through the class and for the most part I was a good kid, you know, and he put me in this play and I showed myself approved.

Speaker 2:

And he was just like yeah, he saw something to me right there, like something actually special, not just saying that, and he like continued to like invest his belief in energy me the entire time. So after that I did place to seventh grade and eighth grade got into high school, focused on football, which I probably shouldn't have. But no regrets, senior year did my first. After, like the season was over, I was able to do like two plays and I even did one act, which is like competing and everything.

Speaker 2:

So all that, and there was this school, the New York Film Academy, that would always come and do like workshops and stuff at my high school and somehow some way like they like remembered me, which was weird Cause, like I said, when I was in my room somewhere I was just chilling, I found this book and it said New York Film Academy and I was like, and I showed all I did was show my mom and they were like all right, we're taking the trip. So we went to go visit and got there. I hadn't even seen all the LA. Really, I hadn't seen LA yet I was in Pasadena. That's where the hotel was. The hotel itself made me feel like, yeah, I gotta be here.

Speaker 1:

So New York Film Academy wasn't, it's an LA they have LA campus yeah they have LA campus.

Speaker 2:

So when I got there, got to the hotel, checked, in everything was just beautiful, the vibes, everything Like I instantly like connected with just the feeling of California. And so then I went to the school I visited. They were really nice people and there was a guy there ironically has the same last name as me, which is weird, cause no one, unless you're my relative, will have my last name. So we just connected and I was in the one of the little classes for the people who were visiting the school and my mentor, chris, was like one of the greatest people I ever met. He kept it real with me and he actually liked me. He fought hard for me to get into school and I did get accepted. So that's when I was like, okay, I'm gonna move there and go like as soon as I stepped in the building I was like, yeah, I wanna be here. I was like this is where I wanna be.

Speaker 1:

So you knew off the bat. So they took you when you were 18 or how old were you?

Speaker 2:

I was like 18, they accepted me. And then it's when I moved out there. I just I got booked from officially moving out there. I got booked two days, within two days, of being out there, Not through the school, not nothing to do with the school.

Speaker 2:

But I got booked like a random gig just off of my own personal, like networking connections, and again, thank God for my brother, Javon, and I connected with him too and I was like, okay, got booked, that was cool, Ready to start school. Because I felt in a sense like a failure if I didn't do school, college traditional route. Well, and I even called my mom and I was like panicking. I was like mom, I feel like crap, I feel like a failure, I'm not doing this. She was like sweetheart, you're getting booked. How many people do you know can say they're going out there, they're doing this, they're finding their way as a young child, like getting booked. So I just took it and ran with it and ended up where I am today.

Speaker 1:

What that's great, that's comes with this next one. What advice would you give to someone who wants to like pursue acting to move to LA? Because you know a lot of people like I wouldn't say everybody, but I would say like- a handful good percentage to want.

Speaker 1:

People want to like okay, la, I want to move there and act there, besides what's going on today, like the strike I mean like besides that, but people, what advice would you give to someone who wants to, someone that lives in Texas and wants to move to LA to pursue acting?

Speaker 2:

I would say keep that as your goal in mind, if that's what you truly want to do. Because for me it's a little different. I didn't. I feel like, even though I said I want to go here, I want to move here, that's why I want to be, I feel like this is not what this is what I'm supposed to be doing. So my advice would just to be like if it's for you, make sure your ducks are aligned, make sure you have everything organized, structured and ready to go and somebody on one of your episodes had said this before, and respect him for saying that. Don't let someone suppress your creativity. They're going to tell you. If you tell someone you want to be a doctor or a lawyer, or even a cash, they'll respect it. If you tell someone you want to be an actor, they're going to.

Speaker 2:

Okay, tell me a real job Like no you want to be an actor, you do that. So just love it with all your heart. Just because you love it don't mean you're going to like it. I'd be lying if I said I get up every day and feel like reading a script or studying.

Speaker 2:

I'm in the process of having to do it now. I don't feel like, but it's a discipline thing. I don't feel like this is something I necessarily always want to do, but I feel like it's my duty. In a sense, I feel like it's my order. This is me being obedient to the steps that have been ordered for me the calling over my life, my destiny. I feel like I'm supposed to be doing this, so that's why I say I'll never go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

So always hone your craft, always stand firm on it and understand it's going to take time. It's going to take time but, at the same time, the amount of time it's going to take depends on you how you're going to go about it. Be teachable, be coachable, love yourself and love everything that soak up from your environment as much as you can, learn as much as you can. Always be a student of the game.

Speaker 1:

No matter what our book, I'm always trying to learn from the next person.

Speaker 2:

So definitely just go with it, 100% Go with it.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah, I love literally every person I've had on my podcast is so inspirational in a way and I just love every creative is so inspiring and I was like I love that about people. I love being inspired, so absolutely. Thank you, I got another good one yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I always look for is to get inspired by other people. I can't sit here and say, oh, it was just me, like it was just all just came about. No, I had good people around me. That's why I've mentioned people so much during this episode here is because I feel like this is just me, it's not a facade. I do this with regular conversations, with cameras and like cameras on rolling mics, not on. I'm going to still say, like you know, like certain people who had an impact in my life, like my brother Dawson, I met him on set, we connected and, boom, like I got to watch him live out his dream and watch him do some things that were, that were, you know, pretty cool, pretty big, like when I was on set with the DCG and Jihar, but like he was right there with me.

Speaker 1:

So that's another thing I try to do is bring others with me.

Speaker 2:

I try to be selfless, like you know what I mean. My purpose always remains the same. I tell people it's not acting. Acting is what I'm supposed to be doing. That is my like I said my duty. But my purpose is to impact people. That's going to always remain the same.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't care if I was an athlete and I set up prayer. I skipped this part and I shouldn't have. I set up prayer and I kid you not, I remember this prayer till this day. I was like you know what? I was talking to God, like conversation. I was like all right, god.

Speaker 2:

I was like I'm tired of trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm tired of trying to figure this out. I'm tired of trying to like, decide, like, whatever I said, I don't care. I said I'll tell you what I said. You put me in the path of whatever it is you want me to do and I'm not going to ask any questions, I'm not going to argue, I'm going to just do it. I said, since I'm supposed to trust you and I'm supposed to believe in what you have for me in my life is, is, you know, okay, let's do it that way. And I was like and that was a scary thing to pray because imagine he could have did anything. You know, I said, whether it's an athlete, a janitor, an actor, whatever it is, you put me in that path and I'm going to do it because I'm tired, I'm crying every day, I'm sad. All my friends are signing off the cause doing this and that I said that prayer about six, seven months later I was bringing suitcases into my place in LA. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

It was like a power of prayer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anytime I think like oh, it's not for me, like I have my mom's wrong, but like I'm washed up, I'm done.

Speaker 1:

We all do.

Speaker 2:

I'm like wow, I just saw big, it's something big. And I'm like, wow, okay, I was just kidding.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we have our time where I'm like, okay, I'm getting a little discouraged, because I feel like that sometimes too. But, then, like you said, I get that email booked, you know, and I'm like, okay, here we go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's another thing people don't understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

I worked with G Herbo and DaBaby in the same month, but after that I had droughts and then it was more stuff. But that's why I love it. I have a different type of love for it than others Other people. I want to be an actor because I want the line, I want the camera on me, I want attention or this or that, or I just love it. And for me it's like I love it even when I don't like it. I love it even when.

Speaker 1:

I don't feel like it.

Speaker 2:

I love it because I feel like it's shaped me and molded me to be who I am today, and because it's God ordained too. So that's just me personally.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it's so for me.

Speaker 2:

So my love for it is a little deep my passion for it, my respect for it. It's a respect thing too. It's like an honor film, my honor, because it brought me here. I wouldn't have been able to style the people I've styled or design the clothing pieces I've designed or wrote for the artist I got, I got to write for and direct these films and write this stuff and do all this other stuff, had I not moved out there after looking at that New York.

Speaker 2:

Film Academy book, had I not been like said that prayer, had I not? And SuperDuperKyle shout out, because that's who I was listening to a lot. I seen his interview and literally, I kid you not I know we can say this about every celebrity that's our favorite. But I was like there's no way we're this much alike, like no way. Like the whole I play football in the theater. That I was like wow, and I watched this movie that Worldstar did called the after party. And after that that's when it clicked and I was like, yeah, I'm ready. That's when I knew I was ready, not like oh, I'm excited to get out there, but I was ready in my heart. I was ready to take on the good, the bad, the ugly, the ups and downs of being out there. I was ready to hone it all and just appreciate everything for what it is.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. You took a big step. Everyone is scared to take literally, you know, because I don't personally. I, for me, I don't want to be in Texas like all my life, but it's like getting over that step.

Speaker 2:

I feel like for you, it wouldn't be that hard. Like just my personal, like I'll take just from what I see from you whether I'm closer from a distance. You're so creative Like I respect you so much as a creative life and obviously someone never got to say, but like I was, I pay attention to people. You know, I pay attention to like every little thing, like your shoot, like the stuff that you may think doesn't matter. So your shoots, how you carry yourself, starting your podcast, like just, and doing it with a hundred percent confidence. It's like a almost like a creative crush type of thing. It's like wow, like I really admire this, like I really love this, like this is so, like dope, and like seeing how you're just as passionate as I don't even want to say just as passionate as others, but your passion shows more authentic than then others may. It's like such a respectful thing. I think only thing you need to do is just trust yourself Like that's it really. I mean that's if you want to stay going Doesn't matter yeah.

Speaker 2:

Just trust yourself.

Speaker 1:

All right, jamari, thanks for coming on. What is your favorite pizza?

Speaker 2:

Favorite pizza. I'm not gonna lie. You're not gonna lie.

Speaker 1:

I literally asked you and you said pepperoni.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know, I know pepperoni because I ate it my whole life. But I got put on to a new one. They gonna judge me for this Barbecue chicken pizza, Don't deprive yourself.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Wait, that's crazy. Wait from where? No, I gotta be from a religious spot or veggie pizza, because I am a healthy eater for the most part. So veggie pizza.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were gonna say from Cece's pizza.

Speaker 2:

I mean no, no, say the Cece's is just like you know, not from Cece's, no mama's, I don't know, oh right.

Speaker 1:

Alrighty, I'll say it again. Thanks, Jamari, for coming out here. Thank you for coming. I'm Jamari Flu, all the way from LA to be on this podcast. I'm not that cool. Alright, you too. Fam, Don't forget to subscribe like comment especially subscribe. Okay, Help your sister out. You can find Kimball Slides of Life podcast on Apple, Spotify or anywhere you get your pods. Thanks, guys, and too.

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